
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quick Update's finally here. Tomorrow Corey and I hop in the car to drive to Newport News. Friday morning we wake up bright and early to catch a plane to TEXAS!!! Fly into San Antonio, have lunch at the Riverwalk, drive up to Austin for FORD AND NATASCHA'S WEDDING WEEKEND!!!!! As Corey puts it we're both "bustin at the seams" with excitment that this weekend is finally here. There are so many things to be excited about. I haven't been home much this semester, or at least the past month. I will finally be going home, even though it's only for a few hours-there's always something magically renewing that happens when you go back home and see family. Corey and I get to make our first trip together and we both have expressed how excited we are to fly TOGETHER for the first time. I'm always so proud to be seen out in public with him :)
We never made it down to San Antonio when I visited Texas over Christmas. When Corey booked the tickets for this weekend, he surprised me by telling me we were flying into San Antonio so that he could take me to the Riverwalk!!!
Once we get to Austin Friday afternoon it will be all things wedding....and although I'm jealous it is not our own wedding this weekend, Corey and I could not be happier that we are attending a wedding of two people that love each other so much. And I can't wait to see Natascha...she is going to make such a beautiful bride. (Trust me....there will be many pictures to come after this weekend). I believe Friday is going to consist of the rehersal dinner and then going out, possibly to 6th Street. Saturday I'm sure will be golf for the boys and girlie things for the girls. I'm so excited to see Katie again, and I know Corey can't wait to see the boys.
Corey's parents and brother, along with his family, are coming down sometime Saturday. Corey's dad graciously booked the hotel for us, and we are staying in the same place as them. Sunday we will wake up and hang out with his family until it is time to sadly say goodbye to Texas once again.
It will no doubt be an exciting (and exhausting) weekend. Corey and I won't get back to NN until around 10-10:30 and our lives go on on Monday (I offered to drive so that Corey can sleep).
I've got to get back to work now.....between writing this post, checking fb, and starring at my ring, I've successfully procrastinated finshing my work due today. I'll write again when we get back.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!!
Love to all

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